What do I agree with?
In section 2 of the book, “School” which covers the years 1900-1950 they talk about many of the children who go from school to work, or the other way around. Because of the fact that child labor laws were not in place and many children had to go out and support their families, it was hard for the kids to focus on what they were learning. They found this to be especially true if the children were only staying in one class room for about 8 hours to have one teacher teach them different subjects. One thing that they had the children do were to go from class room to class room at the end of each lesson. This would keep the children on their toes and have them feel that each lesson was special. They even had rooms for napping, which I think that they should still have today.
What do I Argue with?
I argue and whole heartedly disagree with I.Q. testing. Even today people still think that I.Q. tests are important and that they mean something. A test can’t measure a persons intelligence, in fact it can only harm them. It can make them feel that they really don’t have that much intelligence. This also brings up the S.A.Ts that were implemented and that I also disagree with because not everyone is on the same educational level to take a test that is not on their schools educational level. I went to catholic school for 13 years and I never really learned math or science. I can recall taking a practice P.S.A.T in my high school and I can recall reading a science problem having to do with Kelvins (if you don’t know what Kelvins is, it’s what they use to measure the temperature of the sun) and I know knew about Kelvins because I watched a video that referred to it. Standardized is not something that I agree with.
What do I assume?
I assumed that because, especially during this time period that we had a large influx of immigrants, that the people in the school system would have at least taken in Mexicans, Chinese and Japanese but this is quite the opposite. I would have figured that because many schools took in these immigrants (even though there were some schools that did not give immigrant kids proper education) and in some cases even taught different languages, that they would have been more accepting to their Latino and Asia counterparts but that was not the case at all and it took hard work and diction for them to be taken seriously.
What do I aspire to do?
I aspire to help a new generation of people. In what, I’m not sure but hopefully it is something very positive. While I have an idea for my future, I do not know what will happen or where I will go. I don't know how I can help, but I think that my Sociology degree can be a big help when it comes to help people across many different lines and walks of life.